Taiwanese projects excelled at this year’s forum. Director Paul CHU, along with producers Charlie CHEN and Terris KO, won the “TCCF Award” presented by Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) for their proposal The Martial Artist. Another Taiwanese proposal, Echoes from Beyond, directed by LEE Kang-ling and HSU Huai-min and produced by Lynn CHEN, received a cash award sponsored by the PTS Taiwanese Channel for the first time, with a total prize of NTD 90,000. The proposal Nomads of the Island, a co-production between Hong Kong and Taiwan directed by Hong Kong director Frankie SIN and produced by veteran documentary producers HUANG Hui-chen and Peter YAM, won a NTD 100,000 cash prize, sponsored for the first time by KOKO Entertainment.

Additionally, Malaysian director Beatrice LEONG and Indonesian director Ivonne KANI emerged as the biggest winners at this year’s pitching forum with their proposals The Myth of Monsters and Me, My Mother’s Favorite Monkey, respectively. The Myth of Monsters won the “Sheffield Doc/Fest Award”, the “Bilibili x CCDF Best Pitch Award” (totaling USD 5,000), and “IFG Best Impact Potential First Prize” (totaling USD 7,000). Meanwhile, Me, My Mom’s Favorite Monkey received a special award generously provided by veteran Hong Kong filmmaker Edmund Cheung (totaling USD 1,000) and won the “IFG Best Impact Potential Second Prize” (totaling USD 5,000). It also shared the “Doc Edge Award” with Freedom Lara.

Award | Project | Country | Director & Producer |
錢老師下午茶獎 |
獅子夫人 Lady Lion |
中國大陸、美國 China / USA |
導演 Director|鄭晴月 ZHENG Qing-yue 製片 Producer|姚璐 YAO Lu 製片 Producer|蔣若楠 JIANG Ruo-nan |
特別獎 Special Award |
Me, My Mother’s Favorite Monkey
印尼 |
導演 Director、製片 Producer|Ivonne KANI (Vonny KANISIUS) |
澳洲紀錄片提案大會推薦獎 AIDC Award |
上游 Restless Farewell |
中國大陸 |
導演 Directors|楊楠 YANG Nan、何沛芸 HE Pei-yun 製片 Producer|謝抒豪 TSE Shu-hao |
紐西蘭邊鋒紀錄片節邀請獎 Doc Edge Award |
我,媽媽最喜歡的猴子 Me, My Mother’s Favorite Monkey
印尼 |
導演 Director、製片 Producer|Ivonne KANI (Vonny KANISIUS) |
高樓上的她 Freedom Lara
中國大陸 |
導演 Director|袁楠茜 YUAN Nan-xi 製片 Producer|鄧芷瑩 DENG Zhi-ying |
新鮮提案邀請獎 Fresh Pitch Award |
六萬英里的河 The Sixty Thousand Mile River |
中國大陸 China |
導演 Director|孫揚 SUN Yang 製片 Producer|許小飛 XU Xiao-fei |
西湖國際紀錄片大會獎 IDF Award |
浮動著的房子 Floating House |
中國大陸 China |
導演 Director、製片 Producer|劉舒博 LIU Shu-bo |
謝菲爾德紀錄片電影節獎 Sheffield Doc/Fest Award |
怪物背後 The Myth of Monsters |
馬來西亞 Malaysia |
導演 Director|梁美微 Beatrice LEONG |
法國陽光紀錄片提案大會獎 SSD Award |
The Yani Tseng Story
臺灣、美國、韓國、日本 Taiwan / USA / Korea / Japan |
導演 Director|陳惟揚 Frank W. CHEN 製片 Producer|顏卉婕 Hui-chieh Danielle YEN |
東京提案大會獎 Tokyo Docs Award |
上游 Restless Farewell |
中國大陸 |
導演 Directors|楊楠 YANG Nan、何沛芸 HE Pei-yun 製片 Producer|謝抒豪 TSE Shu-hao |
Audio Network 獎 |
成為母親 Becoming Mother |
美國、中國大陸 USA / China |
導演 Director、製片 Producer|陳騰 CHEN Teng |
文策院投資機會獎 TCCF Award |
戴上拳套的藝術家 The Martial Artist |
臺灣、澳洲 Taiwan / Australia |
導演 Director|周抱樸 Paul CHU 製片 Producers|陳查理 Charlie CHEN、柯子怡 Terris KO |
公視台語台獎 TAIGI TV Award |
乩緣 Echoes from Beyond |
臺灣 |
導演 Directors|李剛齡 LEE Kang-ling、許懷民 HSU Huai-min 製片 Producer|陳瑭羚 Lynn CHEN |
大慕可可獎 |
彼岸之島 Nomads of the Island |
香港、臺灣 Hong Kong / Taiwan |
導演 Director|冼澔楊 Frankie SIN 製片 Producer|黃惠偵 HUANG Hui-chen |
嗶哩嗶哩 x CCDF 最佳提案獎 |
怪物背後 The Myth of Monsters |
馬來西亞 Malaysia |
導演 Director|梁美微 Beatrice LEONG |
最具國際潛力獎 Best International Potential Award |
定製寶貝 My Customized Baby |
中國大陸 China |
導演 Director|劉靜 Eugenia LIU 製片 Producer|劉翔 LIU Xiang |
最佳提案獎 Best Pitch |
上遊 Restless Farewell |
中國大陸 |
導演 Directors|楊楠 YANG Nan、何沛芸 HE Pei-yun 製片 Producer|謝抒豪 TSE Shu-hao |
IFG 最具影響力潛力獎 首獎 Best Potential on Impact Making First Prize |
怪物背後 The Myth of Monsters |
馬來西亞 Malaysia |
導演 Director|梁美微 Beatrice LEONG |
IFG 最具影響力潛力獎 貳獎 Best Potential on Impact Making Second Prize |
獅子夫人 Lady Lion |
中國大陸、美國 China / USA |
導演 Director|鄭晴月 ZHENG Qing-yue 製片 Producers|姚璐 YAO Lu、蔣若楠 JIANG Ruo-nan |
IFG 最具影響力潛力獎 參獎 Best Potential on Impact Making Third Prize |
我,媽媽最喜歡的猴子 Me, My Mother’s Favorite Monkey |
印尼 |
導演 Director、製片 Producer|Ivonne KANI (Vonny KANISIUS) |
Congratulations to the above-winning project teams, and we look forward to seeing more outstanding documentaries join this grand event in the future.
See you all next year