Director | CHEN Kuan-chun
Producer | Rooney CHANG
The story of three transgender men who risked everything to become their ideal selves, experiencing rebirth through adversity. Their lives are extraordinary because they have lived through two genders.
Director | Eugenia LIU
Producer | ZHANG Bo-fan
A single mom decided to design a perfect baby with the help of modern technology. However, Ye has never thought about what it might cost to create a new life.
Director | ZHENG Qing-yue
Producer | YAO Lu
In 1983, to become a woman, Zhang Kesha secretly underwent the first gender reassignment surgery in mainland China. After a lifetime of wandering, she yearns to be truly seen.
Director | ZU Guang-ning, XU Wei
Producer | LI Da-xing
Shanghai socialite ZHANG Sha engaged in post-war charity work in Syria but was faced with various kinds of pressures. How will she balance her personal value realization and social responsibilities?
Director | Yih Wen Chen
Producer | Yih Wen Chen、Mandy Marahimin
Director, Producer | Ivonne Kani (Vonny Kanisius)
Conflicted between her own principles and her Chinese-Indonesian family ideals, a daughter filmmaker embarks on her kind of “Journey to the West” to answer the
question that linger inside her.
Director | Beatrice LEONG
Beatrice, an autistic filmmaker and activist, turns the camera around to reveal a lifetime of misdiagnoses and psychiatric institutionalization. She challenges the misconceptions and discrimination against girls like her.
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